
If you’re anything like me, you’re lazy.
I literally hate doing anything at all, which is probably not a very good thing.
Running used to be a getaway for me. I used to LOVE running. I would use it as a stress-relief and would be running at least a mile everyday. This was on top of doing sports after school.

Now i’ve given up my sports life, and I haven’t been doing too great with keeping up with running.
But basically, the only way I stayed semi- skinny during university/college was through working out in my room and just doing different types of exercises/ work outs in my room.

I have to say that there are a couple of channels that kept me from having to buy an entire new wardrobe because I had gotten too big.
Now, there’s a lot to say about body image, and the horrible-hypocritical-absolutely-idealized-vision of what people think is a fit body today, but I won’t go into that.
Basically, if you are as lazy as I am, and still want to do something to keep somewhat fit…then here are 3 Channels that I stayed true to throughout my year of eating hamburgers after a night out on a daily basis and eating shit because I couldn’t be bothered to cook anything:

1. Blogilates: This is one of my favorites. Even though the host, Casey Ho, is a bit too enthusiastic sometimes, it’s fine because if she wasn’t then I probably would just stop half way.
The videos are workouts that she has developed that work on certain areas of your body and are done in a fun way. It’s also a mix of Pilates and just workouts so it’s a good mix and helps you stay relaxed.

2. XHit Daily: This channel is a bit more focused on working out as opposed to the Pilates part. It focuses on building muscle in a healthy type of way. The videos are intense and are a serious workout leaving you in pain but also feeling like you’ve accomplished something. They have different playlists/series for different focus points on your body and they definitely helped out. (It also helps that the instructors are all pretty fit, making you basically want to have that)

3. Tone It Up: Finally, this channel was the first fitness channel I followed. The two instructors are basically the sweetest girls I have ever seen. They are intense with their workouts and the different videos are all pretty helpful. To get the complete experience with tone it up, you do have to subscribe and pay a certain amount. But from what I’ve heard (no, I haven’t paid) the paid version of their series are pretty amazing. There is an online community you can join with them which is pretty awesome, I’m pretty sure this is free, and you can basically connect with other girls who are trying to stay dedicated to the program; Which is another way to keep motivated.

Also another thing, it may not help you, but it definitely helped me get off my ass; and that is the #fitspo tag on tumblr where basically your dashboard turns into a series of images showing motivational quotes to get off your ass, what will happen to your body if you don’t get off your ass, the amazing things that will happen if you get off your ass, and…actually…a lot of really round asses.

and there you go.
Happy…not procrasting. GET FIT. be healthy.

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